So this myth is based upon what you want to accomplish. If you want to look like my friend Jeff Beebe above, then yes you have to work those abs. He does about 500 crunches a day to get that cut look. He loves doing it and because he has been so successful at his at home nutritional food business, he has the time. That is his goal, so he works for that. Being successful in his nutritional food business was a goal he shared with his wife Debi. They worked together for it and they are doing it. If this is your goal, then yes you will have to work for it.*

What if your goal is more modest, like my goal was? What if you want to lose the weight, feel better, have more energy and just look better? That was my goal. I do not do 500 crunches a day. In fact, I have not done a crunch in over 5 months. I do play racquetball 3 or 4 times a week, but that is what I also did when I was 255+. The only thing I changed in the last year and a half is my diet. By fueling my body with great, easy to use and convenient nutrition, I accomplished my goals. Maybe one day I will go for that cut ab look, but not today. That is not my goal.*

Here is my point. Do not defeat yourself, before you even get started. If you have realistic goals, you can accomplish them. My job requires me to sit in front of a computer all day, so I need to play racquetball to burn calories. One thing that Buffy Rennie and I learned, from winning the Peak Biggest Loser competition, is that your calorie burn does not have to be at a gym. Buffy gets her calorie burn from working with her horses, in the yard, cleaning the house or jogging around town. When we did the BL, our trainers Meghan Anderson and Lindsay Herbert, had us record what we burned in calories each day. Buffy found out that her daily routine, was equal to my hour and a half of racquetball. She did not have to go to the gym.*

Our daughter Jenn Keyes lost weight in her first 4 months, without going to the gym at all. She was so tired from her work and raising her girls, she just did not have the time or energy to go to the gym. After a couple of months, her energy levels increased to the point that she had the energy to go to the gym. She accomplished her goals, which was to lose weight and to start exercising again.*

If any of this sounds like you, please reach out to Buffy or me and let us share with you, what we have learned and how we accomplished our goals. You can accomplish yours, you just need a little help and encouragement. We are here to give you that. Be well.


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*Results may vary (see full disclaimer in the footer).


Jeff B&A Jeans

Jeff Beebe

JR 2011 vs 110515


Buffy 2010 vs 110515


Jenn 2010 vs 8 2015

Jenn Keyes