Rebecca R DDM

Rebecca R DDM

The goal for everyone we minister to, through BrushFires Ministries, is to help them to discover their God Given Design. This is ultimately accomplished through their personal Design Discovery Meeting (DDM learn more here).  BrushFires Ministries can do these...
Rebecca R DDM

Jenna N DDM

The goal for everyone we minister to, through BrushFires Ministries, is to help them to discover their God Given Design. This is ultimately accomplished through their personal Design Discovery Meeting (DDM learn more here).  BrushFires Ministries can do these...

Arne L DDM

The goal for everyone we minister to, through BrushFires Ministries, is to help them to discover their God Given Design. This is ultimately accomplished through their personal Design Discovery Meeting (DDM learn more here).  BrushFires Ministries can do these...
Rebecca R DDM

Madeline L DDM

The goal for everyone we minister to, through BrushFires Ministries, is to help them to discover their God Given Design. This is ultimately accomplished through their personal Design Discovery Meeting (DDM learn more here).  BrushFires Ministries can do these...
Rebecca R DDM


The goal for everyone we minister to, through BrushFires Ministries, is to help them to discover their God Given Design. This is ultimately accomplished through their personal Design Discovery Meeting (DDM learn more here).  BrushFires Ministries can do these...
Rebecca R DDM

Rachel U DDM

The goal for everyone we minister to, through BrushFires Ministries, is to help them to discover their God Given Design. This is ultimately accomplished through their personal Design Discovery Meeting (DDM learn more here).  BrushFires Ministries can do these...