Thank you for your interest in the Real Living Assessment and BrushFires Ministry Assessment services.  The RLA Group uses the PathMaker Assessments to discover how you are designed and the general direction of your life goals.  If you are not working towards your life goals, you will be discontented, unfulfilled and frustrated. Your design will reveal to you the following;

  1. What are your truly fulfilling interests?
  2. How are you wired to accomplish your goals?
  3. Why is it so important for you to pursue those goals?
  4. What motivates you to get involved?
  5. How are you designed to influence your goals?
  6. How does your way of thinking impact those goals?

You must first and foremost purchase the following PathMaker books to take these assessments. They are reasonably priced at Amazon and the links are included here for your convenience. Let me know once you have placed your order and we will get you scheduled.

Here is the link for the second book. You need both.

 Assessment Dos And Don’ts

Once you receive both of the books, some of you will  be tempted to read them from cover to cover. I don’t recommend that, at first.  The important sections are the assessments, and I am conveniently listing how to do them (see below)   We can get you on your own personal journey of accomplishing your goals, achieving harmony with your family and finding real satisfaction at work.  Let me repeat, you will not benefit from reading the entire book before we do your Design Discovery Meeting (DDM).

For the rest of you, let me explain to you why getting your assessment results is the highest priority and needs to be addressed as soon  as possible.

  1. The longer you have the books, the more likely you are not to finish the assessments. Do it now while you are still motivated.
  2. Reading the books cover to cover will not help you to answer the assessments.  In fact, your Orphan Child Identity (addressed in DDM if applicable) triggers might start to influence your honest answers.
  3. I cannot schedule your Design Discovery Meeting (DDM) until you have completed all of the  assessments.
  4. Some assessments will take more time than others, so don’t be fooled by the easier assessments.
  5. You can not achieve your goals, begin to understand family issues or change your circumstances at work until after your DDM.

Assessment Step By Step Guide

Okay, here is  what I want you to do.  I want  you to do them in this order, so you can get them done ASAP.  The page numbers in parentheses are for those of you that might have the older style books that did not come from Amazon.

  1. Start with the PathMaker II book on page 13 (91).  This is the Motivated Role section and will identify what motivates you to get involved. Just do the 10 multiple choice questions.
  2. Next in the PathMaker II book on page 30 (108).  This is the Impact Style section and will identify how you are designed to influence your goals.  Just do the 10 multiple choice questions.
  3. Then finally in the PathMaker II book on page 48 (126).  This is the Temperaments section and will identify how the way you think affects your goals.  BTW, yes you think differently then most every other human.  Just do the 40 multiple choice questions.
  4. Next I want you to go to the PathMaker I book on page page 15.  This is the Interests section and will reveal what really interests you.  This, in part, is the what of your goals.  Select your top 5.
  5. Then also in the PathMaker I book on page 32.  This is the Abilities section and will reveal how you are wired to achieve your goals.  This will take some time.  Select your top 5.
  6. Finally, the last assessment is in the PathMaker I book on page 59 (the instructions are on pages 54 & 55).  This is your Personal Why.  I can not impress upon you enough, how very important this is. Select your top 5.
  7. For your convenience, summarize your results on PathMaker I page 77 and on PathMaker II page 75 (153).

Once You Are Done With The Assessments

Upon completion of all of  the above assessments, you are ready to schedule your Design Discovery Meeting (DDM), where we will review what your design reveals about you, how it impacts your family, your work and finally we will together develop your Personal Purpose Statement.  This is your personal life choice compass to  evaluate all future decisions. Once you have completed all of the assessments, you are free to read as much of the two PathMaker books as you want.  Knock your socks off.

Here are some common hangups while doing the assessments.

  1. Always be brutally honest with yourself.  You will not get satisfying results if you answer the assessments as your family expects you to answer or as your boss expects you to answer. Most importantly, you need to silence your Orphan Child Identity (addressed in DDM if applicable) and answer each assessment honestly.
  2. There are no wrong answers,  except dishonest answers.  All design elements are needed, useful, fulfilling and perfect.
  3. Sometimes you might have multiple answers for certain questions.  This is very common and will likely show up in your DDM. If you can not really settle on one answer, then ask yourself which one can you not live without.  This approach should also be used in selecting your top 5 Interests, Abilities and Values in the PathMaker I assessments.
  4. The PathMaker II assessments are generally easier to answer, so give yourself enough time to get through the PathMaker I assessments,  especially the Abilities and Values assessments.
  5. You can email me (see top of this page) if you have questions.

Okay, that is it.  If you delay getting started, you will just be delaying achieving your goals.  I promise you that  your DDM will make this investment more that worth it.  Be well.



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