Okay, so we are off on the first episode of my 100 day challenge.  This is week one of fifteen, so I do have a long way to go.  A little background for some of you to understand my motivation.  I will  be right  up front with it.  It is a mixture of ego, pride, vanity and my competitive nature.  Probably not the best of my characteristics, but hear me out.  God can use even my bad motivations, to accomplish great things.  So here we go.

Jeff B&A JeansThis is my long time buddy Jeff Beebe.  He and I first met at church about 30 years ago.  We have laughed and cried many times together.  Jeff has always been a bright soul and always has had a million dollar smile.  He has a beautiful wife named Debi.  She is the one that introduced Isagenix to our family and is the one that first saw what an important health and wealth opportunity it afforded.  Debi had the vision, long before Jeff.  Debi BeebeI also did not listen to Debi, and I so wish I did, because they are on track to making a LOT of money with Isagenix this year and if I had listened to them, I could have retired this year on my Isagenix income.  Debi and Jeff have already retired from their grind jobs and do nothing but travel, speak and promote Isagenix.

So, when I first knew Jeff he was that fat cowboy on the left.  In fact, I believe that picture was from a horse back ride they went on with Buffy.  That is the guy I knew in So Cal.  Since I have moved up to Idaho, he transformed himself into that guy on the right.  Now, in all fairness, his wife is a professional trainer, he loves to workout and that is his full time job.

So here we come to my personal part of this.  Though Jeff would never say anything to hurt me, I can not let him look like that and me still be flabby.  There you have it.  Ego, vanity and my competitive nature is my motivation to begin my “In Search Of Abs” journey.  This August I will be attending an Isagenix conference called Celebration in Vegas.  We will be hanging out with our dear friends and there will be some pool time.  When I take off my shirt, I want a piece of that “Holy Moly!  What Happened To You” moment.  I may not be able to get to where Jeff is at, but I will give it a go.

IMG_20160506_093531196The first week workout was not that bad.  I hired a personal trainer Joel Bullard that will  keep me committed and motivated.  He will guide me to what I need to work on to achieve my goals.  He knows it is my goal to have Jeff’s cut definition by August.  He has seen these same pictures.  One goal of mine is to prove to Joel that Isagenix is a difference maker in losing weight and achieving, what appears to be, unrealistic goals.  I intend to make Joel a believer in Isagenix, even if I have to kill myself in the process.

IMG_20160502_092544027I have added 4 weight training sessions per week to my 4 days of playing racquetball.  It basically means I am at the gym 6 days a week.  Sometimes twice a day.  Yes, there is real commitment to accomplish this.  Joel’s focus is strengthening many of the minor muscles, necessary to get that overall cut look.  Between my cardio workouts on the racquetball court and the weight training, I hope I find my abs again.

IMG_20160506_094358741_TOPNow for the truly hard part.  I have to cut my cheat days down to one.  I will still do  Isagenix hard Monday through Thursday, including our Wednesday cleanse day. I am giving up my Friday and Saturday cheat days.  This means two shakes on those days, no beer, no chocolate, no mixed drinks.  I am allowing myself to have red wine on those days for now, but as I type this, Sunday is my only cheat day.  I will wait till this Thursday to see how much of a difference it makes.  I should be below 187 by this Thursday, if my plan is going to work.  I might have to give up all cheat days the weeks leading up to my Vegas trip.  That is really going to be hard.

The physical training was not the hardest part of this first week.  It was the Friday afternoon moment, when my mind said you deserve that cold beer, the chips, the second helping of food and all the other thoughts that went through  my mind.  That self denial is really where I struggled at.  My soul said you deserve this, but it is my spirit that is saying, get control of that soul of yours.  As I type this, I just came to the realization that this is the God part.  JR, get control of those physical, emotional and unhealthy impulses you have.  Yeah, He just clued me in as I typed this.  God really has a tremendous sense of humor and irony.

Okay, I promise each blog entry won’t be this long.  We will be traveling on business this week, so  I am going to be adding another wrinkle to this process.  Less racquetball and a lot of sitting in a car.  Below I have the the starting before pictures.  The orange shirt pictures (199 pounds) are from the first day with Joel and the white shirt pictures (190 pounds) are from 4 days later.  Keep me in your thoughts and feel free to ask questions below.*

If this article can be helpful to someone you  know, feel free to share it.   If you want more info on our nutritional foods program, then call or email Buffy or me.  Be well.

Click here to get healthy with Isagenix today.

*Results may vary (see full disclaimer in the footer).

Day 1 of training

Day 3 of training. 199 pounds.


Day 3 of training.










Day 7 of training. 190 pounds.


Day 7 of training.

Day 7 of training.

Day 7 of training.










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