IMG_20160613_084918478_TOPReaching my goal of developing and revealing  my abs has been very challenging.  First of all, it is just the amount of work and self control to not over eat on the weekends.  Secondly, we have been traveling so much, that I have missed workouts, racquetball games and training sessions.  Finally, 100 days is a long time and the results are slow.  These are some of the reasons why I missed a week of my posts, we went camping.

IMG_20160613_084013792I am now past the halfway mark.  I have cheated more on the weekends, then I had intended.  The temptations while traveling, camping or vacationing are just really hard.  That being said, my weight is still at 188.  I have reached that metabolism where my weekend gains are burned up by the time I reach my Thursday weigh in.  IMG_20160613_084300133That for one is great news.

I have about 7 weeks left now.  I still have camping trips, dinner parties and holidays to contend with.  There has also been a lot of stress, so I have a tendency to reward myself with certain foods and drinks on the weekends. That is bad for multiple reasons.  So, I need to get better control of that.  I am not sure if I will be able to reach my goal, but I am still making progress.  Thank you for your support.

If this article can be helpful to someone you  know, feel free to share it.   If you want more info on our nutritional foods program, then call or email Buffy or me.  Be well.

Click here to get healthy with Isagenix today.

*Results may vary (see full disclaimer in the footer).

Day 1 of Training

Day 1 of Training


End of Training Week 8



